Thermography in Red Hook, NY
Thermography allows doctors to detect thermal abnormalities in the body which can indicate the early onset of disease. Since these thermal abnormalities show earlier than symptoms would begin to present, doctors are able to intervene sooner.
About Medical Thermography:
Thermography is the measurement of temperature variations at the body surface. As with the oral thermometer that has been used for many years, changes in temperature indicate disease processes. Finely tuned technology can find abnormalities in human wellness long before the body’s sensory organs can identify them. This is true for breast cancer; thyroid dysfunction; inflammation leading to cancer, heart disease, and other diseases. It is imperative that all physicians begin using medical thermography in their daily practice.
There are over 800 articles in peer reviewed journals on medical thermography. These articles include heart disease, dental thermography, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, cerebrovascular screening with thermography, and many more applications. Great work is being done in Brazil at the Sao Paulo Medical School by Dr Marcos Brioschi and others. Our PACT directors frequently lecture at the medical university to share our own advancements in medical thermography.
The former Soviet Union used medical thermography as one of the greatest indicators of disease. PACT Director, Dr. Alexander Sepper, was at the forefront of this science and has brought to America the very intricacies of his work as a research medical scientist. He originated thermographic screening of ovarian cancer with high effectiveness. His work is being re-introduced in to the scientific community for implementation. He also shares with us exciting information for thermographic testing of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).
Schedule Your Appointment for Thermography
Call (845) 835-6466 or Click the Button Below to Request an Appointment Online: